Hey there, welcome to the University of Minnesota Crookston, where college is more than just a classroom. Here we major in the making of you. And that includes all parts of you. The opportunities at Crookston are truly endless. So let's talk about them. From clubs to research projects that pay students over $1,000 to studying abroad in a foreign country. UMN Crookston provides chances for you to learn and grow during your years here. We have over 45 clubs and organizations for you to choose from. They range from your major specific to something that maybe is just a hobby of yours. One of our most popular clubs is golden eagle entertainment. They organize and plan different fun events on campus for everyone. These events range from an evening comedian act, finals week knocker ball, music on Mondays with local artists, pettaway stress, and vinyl Friday funday. No matter the season or your interest, there's always something happening on campus for you to be a part of, thanks to GE and all of our different clubs.
Another point of pride for all of the U of M campuses is that students have an opportunity to conduct research. Our students work with faculty members on research projects in their area of interest and are paid for the time they spent researching. We have had students who have been published in academic journals even as undergrads. Some projects from the last couple of years are freshwater sponges, stress levels, and pregnant goats, mediated communication in personal relationships.
You will also have an opportunity to test drive your major through internships. Every major is required to do an internship or research project to gain real world experience. You can find your own internship or have one of our helpful faculty or advisors assist you in making a new connection. Students have interned and eventually worked at top companies like 3M, Target and even NASA. Most students will do their internships during the summer but others completed during a semester or even in another country. The opportunities are endless. Speaking of other countries, Crookston also has study abroad trips available. There is a trip for every student, major, budget and timeline.
Some trips are designed for specific majors in mind and others are open to all students and all majors, just depends which one you choose. Our NCAA Division II Golden Eagle athletics teams are a great opportunity to continue your athletic career during college. We also have two competitive club teams in hockey and track. Don't want to give up sports quite yet. Check out one of our many intramural teams on campus as well ranging from soccer to basketball, volleyball, and so much more.
Oh, and how could I forget all home games are free to current UMN Crookston students. So get involved take your program and major in the making of you.